When your beloved handmade items have seen better days, it's time to mend, not throw them out!
Learn how to give those hand-knit socks, moth-loved sweaters, torn knees, and worn-out crotches new life with visible mending.
Register for this special interest class, jot the date in your calendar, and bring in your recently laundered pieces to work on. During the three hours together, we will find new meaning in our clothes and help reduce throwing away.
Visit Fabrications Ottawa, Classes and Events, and select Class Calendar. Find Repair & Restore and let's do just that to our clothes.

The knitter who made this pair of socks didn't use a superwash yarn for the toe and cuff. After a few washes, the untreated yarn fulled; it shrunk and felted. I removed the toe section, picked up the stitches and re-knit the toe in the deep turquoise superwash. Now, the ribbing stretches nicely and the colour choice, though not the same, isn't bad.
Word of caution: get the permission of the sock owners before proceeding with the repair, some are ok with wearing fulled bits.
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